We started with 5 people in February of 2015 and quickly grew by adding volunteers and partnering with local community leaders, the schools and businesses. Loveland Sustainability Council is a collaboration of people who are committed to encouraging sustainable practices in our area.
Here are a few of our partners:
Loveland City Hall & Business Chamber
LSC has works with city officials and the business chamber to provide extra recycling bins at special events, organize the One Stop Drop and write grants to promote sustainable practices.
Loveland Farmers' Market
Once a month Loveland Farmers' Market provides LSC with a booth to provide educaitonal materials about reducing waste, recycling practices and reusing items.
Loveland High School
Students from Loveland High School have been active partners with LSC, helping to plan, organize and implement the Earth Day event, as well as other events.
Loveland Learning Garden
Granny's Garden has partnered with LSC to make the One Stop Drop and other events a success. Their knowledgable staff and volunteers have helped LSC to educate our community about composting and other sustainable practices.
Wonderful Volunteers
LSC wouldn't exist without our great team of volunteers. They are the wheels behind every idea and event. Please let us know if you would like to join us.